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First Responder Training and GRS Testing Exercise Curriculum

Testing & Training

Each year, MassDEP conducts field exercises to train first responders and test GRS tactics from each region. Exercises typically include 2-3 neighboring towns and involve fire department and harbormaster personnel as well as other town, state, and federal agencies and representatives. Exercises are consistent with HSEEPplanning, conduct, and evaluation processes.

The primary objective for exercises is to train first responders in the use of pre-positioned MassDEP oil spill response equipment. Secondary objectives are to test and validate Massachusetts GRS whenever possible, demonstrate the ability to assemble a spill response organization utilizing Incident Command System (ICS) principles, and demonstrate and testing the ability to effectively communicate between multiple local, state, and federal agencies.

See Regional Exercise pages to view and download GRS's, Plans for current exercises, and After-Action Reports from previous exercises. 

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* - Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program 

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